
Cultivating Fitness: Gardening as Exercise | Exploring Weight Loss and Calories

Garden hobbyists tend to spend a lot of time in the garden. In fact, we wile away many hours working tirelessly to transform our space and express our creativity, while also nurturing our plant “children”. With so many hours spent in the garden, is there really time for anything else? What about exercise? We need

Cultivating Fitness: Gardening as Exercise | Exploring Weight Loss and Calories Read More »

Gardening Missteps: The Most Common Gardening Mistakes (Tips to Avoid Them)

When I first started gardening, I made many mistakes. In fact, I became despondent in the beginning, because things took time, and often, my ideas just didn’t work out. I couldn’t help but wonder what I was doing wrong. It certainly felt like I was doing everything wrong. The problem was that I had no what-not-to-do list

Gardening Missteps: The Most Common Gardening Mistakes (Tips to Avoid Them) Read More »

10+ Benefits of Incorporating Gardening into School Curriculum (Cultivating Learning)

I personally enjoy a bit of gardening. Luckily, I was born with green thumbs, and my grandmother put in a lot of effort to teach me the intricacies of tending a garden. Some children were not so lucky, and I feel that they missed out on a real-life experience that has real value too. I

10+ Benefits of Incorporating Gardening into School Curriculum (Cultivating Learning) Read More »