15+ Drawbacks & Disadvantages of Always Telling the Truth (Complete Honesty…)

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Lifevif Team and JC Franco

Nobody ever wants to be lied to in life, especially about something important. This means most of us try to be as honest as we can with people, even when the truth hurts. Many people may go about telling the truth in a way that is hurtful; the truth can hurt, so many people may just avoid telling it.

Always telling the truth might not be such a good thing. People may view you as offensive or insensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions and not caring whether or not they get hurt. 

Today we’ll be looking at 16 of the disadvantages to being honest all the time with everyone and why it’s not always a good thing. 

1. Someone Could Get Hurt 

When you are always truthful and honest about everything, there are times you may not realize that a lie would be significantly better. Therefore, sometimes telling the truth will result in you unintentionally hurting someone you love or care deeply about. 

2. You Could Get Yourself Into a Dangerous Situation 

If you are completely honest about things, you may end up finding yourself in a dangerous situation that could’ve been avoided by a lie. This includes being too honest about something your friend may have done, and now you are believed to have been a part of it. 

3. You Could Destroy a Relationship 

Sometimes it’s better if someone doesn’t hear something from you, especially if it involves something their spouse did. It is often better to step back and let things unfold without your involvement. The person may think you are intentionally trying to damage their relationship, as a person seldom wants to admit fault with their partner.

4. You Could Hurt Someone’s Reputation 

Sometimes lying about something someone did, especially if it was a long time ago and they are now a different person, is better than telling the truth. By bringing up something from someone’s past, you may end up hurting or destroying their reputation.

Think first about the outcome of telling the truth, and consider what is the best decision, to tell the truth or just to keep it to yourself.

5. You’ll Be Annoyed by Lies 

It might not seem like being completely honest is a bad thing sometimes. But sometimes, when you are too honest, you may expect everyone else to do the same. This is especially true when it comes to people who lie to spare someone’s pain; you might not really understand why they would lie to someone they care about. 

Everyone is different and, therefore, hurt in different ways; while you may think it’ll be better to know the truth, it may affect another person in a negative way.

6. You May Be Seen as Rude 

Nothing but honesty isn’t always the best way to live your life. However, by always being honest with people, even when it hurts them, they will view it as rude and never ask your opinion on something again. 

Some people are very blunt and blatantly honest; most of us need a little sugar coating to cushion the blow of the truth if it is hurtful.

7. You May Lose Friendships 

When you always give your honest opinion about something, you will eventually hurt someone more than you could ever apologize for. This will inevitably result in the friendship deteriorating (and eventually fading), no matter how long you were friends with the person or how close you were. 

Make the decision if you could live with hurting that person and potentially losing their friendship. You may think telling the truth will hurt them, but they will be glad you told them. On the other hand, that person could potentially blame you for being the bearer of bad news and result in you losing them as a friend.

8. Others Might View You as Unpleasant 

Continuous honesty with people around you may not end as well as you think. People may see you as unpleasant and avoid talking to you to spare their own feelings. This is often the case in a workplace; people may view the truth as harsh and will avoid asking for your opinions on something they may have done that they are proud of.

9. You’ll Have Fewer Friends 

You may not just lose friendships when you are always honest about things. Instead, you may have difficulty making new ones. This usually happens because people will tell others to avoid you because you are rude.

Friends talk, and you might just be on the negative end of the conversation if you are the one that hurt a friend.

10. You May Develop a Negative Reputation 

Always being honest is something most of us are taught as children, but there are times when white lies are far better. An example of this would be in the workplace, where it would be better to pretend you like someone rather than being honest and telling them you don’t like them. 

11. You May Not Seem Compassionate 

If you are always honest, especially when giving your opinion on something, you may be viewed as insensitive towards others or downright rude. Sometimes it’s better to lie about something to make someone feel good rather than tell them the truth about what you think. 

12. You May be Viewed as Offensive 

Your honesty may not always come off as a good thing. In fact, sometimes, you’ll be seen as offensive because your honesty might be viewed as a lie. Therefore, it’s best to learn when lying is more appropriate. Sometimes you may need to just bite your tongue and walk away from the situation.

13. You Might be Ridiculed 

By being too honest, you may be frowned upon or mocked by your peers. This is because they may view you as gullible or weak, and that’s why you don’t lie to others. Although people are cruel sometimes, it’s important to allow yourself to lie when it’s needed. 

14. Others Might Not Trust You 

People don’t always appreciate complete honesty, and sometimes they expect you to lie for them to help them. This means when someone needs a secret to be kept they are very unlikely to confide in you about it as they might expect you to tell it to others. 

15. You Might Not Be Able to Lie 

When you are always honest, you may lose the ability to lie when you really need to. This could end quite poorly, not only for you but for everyone involved in the situation. 

16. Your Honesty Might be Viewed Negatively 

There are times when you’ll be expected to lie in life, and if you are always truthful with others, they may view it as a negative thing. People may think you can’t be trusted with secrets and will tell the first person who asks you about them. This may sound like it completely contradicts itself; do you tell the truth always, or do you tell a little white lie?


Being a completely honest person is, without a doubt, a very good thing. However, it is important to learn when it would be more appropriate to tell a lie, especially to spare someone’s emotions. 

Not all truths are good for people to hear. Know when the time, to tell the truth, is and think about the repercussions that may happen if you do. The truth may hurt, but only you will know if telling the truth is for the right reason.

This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who share their experiences and knowledge about the "Seven F's of Life".

JC Franco

JC Franco is a New York-based editor for Lifevif. He mainly focuses on content about faith, spirituality, personal growth, finance, and sports. He graduated from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in Marketing. He is a certified tennis instructor who teaches in the New York City Metropolitan area. In terms of finance, he has passed the Level I exam of the CFA program.