15 Places to Meet Your Future Spouse / Soulmate / “The One”

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Lifevif Team and JC Franco

couple, with bicycles, in the park in autumn

Have you ever felt like you’re out there looking for “the one” and he/she is just nowhere to be seen? With so many people in the world actively looking for the one, day in and day out, you would think it would be a little easier to get a few of these people in the same room/place, wouldn’t you? 

You’ve reached the age and mindset of wanting to settle down with the right person. Your party days have passed (or slowed down at least), and you’re looking for something more out of life with someone special. Sound familiar? Well, that’s great – there’s nothing wrong with looking for new depth from life, and finding your other half will certainly add value to your life experience. 

In my experience, the one usually comes along when you aren’t specifically looking for it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t put yourself in the places where you are most likely to meet someone who could be the mother/father of your future children. Where are these places?

15 places where to meet your future husband or wife (that’s not a bar or a nightclub):

1. The dog park

If you have a dog (or a friend’s dog at least), you can head down to the dog park to meet other people who love animals and have a healthy approach to life. The dog park is a great place to meet other singles who are…you guessed it, hoping to meet someone else interesting (and exercise their pet, of course). If you have a local dog park in your area, perhaps it is time to develop a better relationship with your pet and get in some exercise at the same time. 

2. Local flea markets

Heading to the local flea market is a great way to meet new people. You don’t need to go alone. In fact, inviting a friend or two to go with you increases your chances of being introduced to people they might know at the same event. It’s also not just about meeting other patrons strolling around the market. You might actually meet someone interesting standing on the other side of their market stall, selling their wares. You never know who you might meet at the flea market. Look out for local markets in your area, and don’t be scared to go to others outside of your neighborhood too. 

3. Weddings

A wedding is a great place to meet other people at the age of settling down. If you are invited to a friend’s wedding, always say yes. Go alone or with a friend in order to keep your options open. You will probably meet a few other people doing the same thing. Everybody knows that a wedding is a great place to meet other people. If you know the bride and groom, you will also have a good idea of the type of people to expect to meet at the wedding too. 

4. Parkrun or similar

Parkrun is an event that has swept the globe. It doesn’t matter what country you are in, there should be a Parkrun in your area. Parkrun is a Saturday or Sunday event where the community gathers (those interested at least) to either run or walk a 5km route. Everyone goes at their own pace, and both kids and pets are usually allowed. 

Arrive a little early so that you can chat with a few of the people in attendance, and don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with people who are running or walking. They may just introduce you to someone interesting in your very own community (and you also have peace of mind that the potential partners here are health conscious). 

5. The gym

The gym is a great place to whip into shape and meet someone new. Try to go to the gym at different times of the day so that you aren’t always sweating it out with the same people. Workout on your own, book a session with a trainer, and attend a few classes. After a few attendances, you should start to make friends with both the staff and other members. And that’s when you can start meeting new people. 

6. Neighborhood watch or community meetings

Neighborhood watch meetings and community meetings are held on specific evenings during the month for homeowners and residents to meet up and discuss community issues and security concerns. It’s a great way to get to know who your neighbors are and will certainly expand your acquaintance base. You should definitely start to meet new people and make new friends in your very own neighborhood – you never know what might happen!

7. Work events

people at the office party

Work events are often held for team building, to develop relationships with customers and suppliers, and to get to know other supporting industry professionals. If you are prone to avoiding these events, stop. It’s the perfect place to meet people who might have similar interests and goals as you. Many people meet their future partners at work events, conferences, and seminars. 

8. Dating apps  

There are several websites and applications that support online dating. Think about Tinder or Match.com – these are great places to see who is out there and if there are options that suit what you are looking for. Just make sure that when you join an online group that you make your intentions known. If you are looking for love and marriage, make sure that you aren’t targeted by people looking for quick and easy one night stands. 

9. While volunteering

Volunteering is something that can really bring out your best side. There are animal shelters, soup kitchens, and various underprivileged groups you can offer your time to. You might meet other people who are giving their time up for free too. Meeting a future partner at an animal shelter…what could be more romantic! 

10. On a social sports team

Who says that meeting your future spouse has to be so focused? You can meet your future partner while having heaps of fun. How?… you ask Well, what about joining a social sports team or league? These teams usually meet once a week, and you get to meet new people every time you play against another team. It’s a great way to keep active and meet someone who has the same interests as you. 

11. At religious ceremonies 

If you are looking for someone with the same religious values as you and you aren’t keen on a big night out, attend a few of the events hosted by your local church, synagogue, mosque, temple, etc.  

12. On social media

There are so many social media groups where you can meet a possible suitor, it’s almost exhausting. Do you have a specific hobby or interest? Join social media groups that are focused on those interests or hobbies and start communicating and connecting with like-minded people. You might be surprised that a simple comment online offering advice on a topic can change into the most meaningful relationship of your life. 

13. Friend’s barbecues and parties

You are friends with certain people because you like their personalities, have similar interests, and you have fun with them. Naturally, your friends will be friends with people who have some or many things in common with you. If your friends are going out for dinner or hosting a barbecue and invite you to go along, say yes. The more you say yes, the more chance you have of meeting your future spouse. 

14. Local tour

A Tour Group Listens To A Tour Guide
Tom Wurl / Shutterstock.com

Have you ever gone on a local tour of your town? Perhaps hit the tourist hot spots? Invite a few of your friends to join you and ask them to invite a few new people to join. This isn’t a blind date, but more of a social opportunity to get to know new people. Local tours with friends and their extended friends can be a lot of fun and a great way to meet a possible spouse.

15. A club (not a night club)

Joining a club is a great way to meet people who might have the same interests as you – often those people make for the best spouses. Think about joining a camera club, cooking club, hiking club, running club, book club, movie club, or even bowling club. Being a member of these clubs will be a lot of fun and add value to your life.

Last Word

There’s a plethora of articles out there that will tell you “you will not meet your future spouse in a bar”. That may well be true, but many people have met their other half in a bar and have fared quite well in the months and years to follow – so don’t entirely rule out the local pub/bar. However, if you’re having no luck at the local bar and starting to feel like you need to leave your late-night drinking days behind you, try the 15 recommendations above. 

Meeting your future spouse doesn’t have to be a chore. Focus your attention on having fun in everything you do; and before you know it, the right person will simply arrive in your life. Good luck!

JC Franco

JC Franco is a New York-based editor for Lifevif. He mainly focuses on content about faith, spirituality, personal growth, finance, and sports. He graduated from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in Marketing. He is a certified tennis instructor who teaches in the New York City Metropolitan area. In terms of finance, he has passed the Level I exam of the CFA program.