
16 Common Disadvantages/Drawbacks of Being Unemployed (Debt, Depression,…)

How do you feel about unemployment? While some might not worry about being unemployed, others see it as a curse. Before you decide whether you would love or hate it, perhaps you should consider just how negatively being unemployed could affect your life… Let’s face it, everything in this world, except love, costs money. Unfortunately,

16 Common Disadvantages/Drawbacks of Being Unemployed (Debt, Depression,…) Read More »

20 Things to Consider Before You Become a Freelancer (From an Industry Veteran)

Considering becoming a freelancer? Before you quit your full-time job, there are a few things you need to consider. Lend your ear to the industry veterans and learn from what they have to say about working as a freelancer before you take the plunge.  Becoming a freelancer can be one of the most rewarding life

20 Things to Consider Before You Become a Freelancer (From an Industry Veteran) Read More »

20 True Advantages/Benefits of Shift Work (Flexibility, Time,…) 

If you’ve just landed a job that includes shift work, you’re probably already cringing at the prospect. Most people working in health care, public safety, hospitality, retail, customer services, and food and beverage industries have to agree to shift work. And if you have a passion for the job, you don’t have much choice, do

20 True Advantages/Benefits of Shift Work (Flexibility, Time,…)  Read More »

woman sitting

15 Signs You Aren’t Ready to Start Your Own Business (and What To Do About It)

You want to start your own business, but you’re just not sure if you’re ready for all that a business entails. Before you can truly ascertain if you’re in the right place and mindset for starting your own business, you need to make sure that you don’t display many signs of not being ready.  Today,

15 Signs You Aren’t Ready to Start Your Own Business (and What To Do About It) Read More »